Yeshiva High-lites |
A weekly newsletter of Yeshiva High School of Boca
Raton Pre Pesach 5763 Edition / Friday, April
11, 2003 |
From the desk of Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
Click at right for AP and final exam schedules, the Boca
Israel Fair flyer, a last chance opportunity to order lunch for the
rest of the school year, and an updated calendar for the end of
April and May.
Honor the Jacobs, Adlers & Rabbi Horowitz and
support YHS by
clicking here for a journal ad blank that you can print, fill
out and send in.
Click here to ask Lorys
Stiel to reserve tickets for YHS' production of the hillarious
Neil Simon comedy "Fools". Details can be found in the flyer
at the end of the high-lites.
Wishing you and yours Shabbat Shalom and a Chag
Kasher V'Sameach
Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
Iraq, YHS Style |
Desert Storm Veteran Brett Burstell (left)
shared his personal experiences of fighting in Iraq to help
our students understand what our troops over there are up
against. Sergant Burstell asked junior Danny Krasna (right) to
don his uniform and chemical warfare protective garb to
illustrate how quickly a soldier can overheat in the desert.
Brett is the Campus Director of the Jewish Federation of South
Palm Beach County.
History Instructor Mr. Adam Dobrick presented a
brilliant analysis of how changes in the United States'
geopolitical view of the world have impacted its attitudes
towards Saddam Hussein. It was accompanied by a powerpoint
presentation on the rise and fall of Saddam Hussein.
Rabbi Spodek spoke powerfully about the
sacrifice made by our soldiers and their families. He
inaugurated a drive to collect materials that the soldiers
have requested such as sunscreen and babywipes.
Food, Fun and Clean Cars |
After ordering in dinner on Tuesday night, the girls
gemara shiur went with Rabbi Spodek and his family to a
Heat vs. Raptors basketball game in Miami. As you can
see in the picture on the right, the girls had a great time.
Mrs. Shochet's GH Navi class celebrated their
completion of Sefer Yehoshua (The Book of
Joshua) at the Boca Pita Grill restaurant (owned by the
parents of junior Avi Amsalem) on Monday.
On Sunday, our students will having fun, doing chesed, and
enabling you to observe Pesach by running a Pre
Pesach Car Wash to benefit JARC, the agency of our
federation that services developmentally-disabled Jews in our
community. For details, click on the link below.
Click here for this Sunday's Car Wash Flyer
Tennis, Anyone? |
Home Stretch |
Student committees have been hard at work planning
programs for Yom Hashoa, Yom Hazikaron and Yom
Haatzmaut. Special speakers include a Holocaust survivor,
a former Israeli POW, and Rabbi Chanan Schlesinger (father of
former YHS student Netanel) who will be in town from Alon
Our annual dinner will take place on Sunday, May 18
at the Boca Raton Synagogue.
Save the date of Tuesday, May 27, 7:00 PM, for our
drama society's production of the hilarious Neil Simon
comedy "Fools" at the historic Crest Theatre in downtown
Delray Beach.
Details about our Yom Yerushalayim program on
May 28th with Yeshiva University Rosh Yeshiva Rav Meyer
Goldwicht will be forthcoming after Pesach.
Click for Graduation Ceremony Info »
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of '02 Reunites with Mentors |
Our graduates who are home for
Pesach on break from yeshivot in Israel and their YHS
Judaic teachers enjoyed a chinese dinner and divrei
Torah by Rabbi Brander and Mrs. Kanner at the home of the
Tirschwells on Wednesday night. The graduates thanked the
teachers for preparing them so well for their post high school
yhsoffice@juno.com voice:
561.417.7422 web: http://www.yeshivahighschool.com
Brander, Founder Rabbi Perry
Tirschwell, Principal Shimmie
Kaminetsky, Executive Director Mrs. Pamela
Turk, President Mrs. Ora Lee
Kanner, Mrs. Jessica Schultz, Assistant
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